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Chainlink VRF allows you to integrate provably fair and verifiably random data in your smart contract.

For implementation details, read Introduction to Chainlink VRF v2 Direct funding method.

Wrapper Parameters

These parameters are configured in the VRF v2 Wrapper contract. You can view these values by running getConfig on the VRF v2 Wrapper or by viewing the VRF v2 Wrapper contract in a blockchain explorer.

  • uint32 stalenessSeconds: How long the VRF v2 Wrapper waits until we consider the ETH/LINK price used for converting gas costs to LINK is stale and use fallbackWeiPerUnitLink.
  • uint32 wrapperGasOverhead: The gas overhead of the VRF v2 Wrapper’s fulfillRandomWords function.
  • uint32 coordinatorGasOverhead: The gas overhead of the coordinator’s fulfillRandomWords function.
  • uint8 maxNumWords: Maximum number of words that can be requested in a single wrapped VRF request.

Coordinator Parameters

Some parameters are important to know and are configured in the coordinator contract. You can view these values by running getConfig on the coordinator or by viewing the coordinator contract in a blockchain explorer.

  • uint16 minimumRequestConfirmations: The minimum number of confirmation blocks on VRF requests before oracles respond
  • uint32 maxGasLimit: The maximum gas limit supported for a fulfillRandomWords callback. Note that you still need to substract the wrapperGasOverhead for the accurate limit, as explained in Direct funding limits.

Fee Parameters

Fee parameters are configured in the VRF v2 Wrapper and the VRF v2 Coordinator contracts and specify the premium you pay per request in addition to the gas cost for the transaction. You can view them by running getConfig on the VRF v2 Wrapper:

  • The uint32 fulfillmentFlatFeeLinkPPM parameter is a flat fee and defines the fees per request specified in millionths of LINK.
  • The uint8 wrapperPremiumPercentage parameter defines the premium ratio in percentage. For example, a value of 0 indicates no premium. A value of 15 indicates a 15% premium.

The details for calculating the total transaction cost can be found here.


VRF v2 coordinators for direct funding are available on several networks. To see a list of coordinators for subscription funding, see the Subscription Configurations page.

Ethereum Mainnet

Item Value
LINK Token 0x514910771AF9Ca656af840dff83E8264EcF986CA
VRF Wrapper 0x5A861794B927983406fCE1D062e00b9368d97Df6
VRF Coordinator 0x271682DEB8C4E0901D1a1550aD2e64D568E69909
Wrapper Premium Percentage 0
Coordinator Flat Fee 0.25 LINK
Maximum Confirmations 200
Maximum Random Values 10
Wrapper Gas overhead 40000
Coordinator Gas Overhead 90000

Sepolia testnet

Item Value
LINK Token 0x779877A7B0D9E8603169DdbD7836e478b4624789
VRF Wrapper 0xab18414CD93297B0d12ac29E63Ca20f515b3DB46
VRF Coordinator 0x8103B0A8A00be2DDC778e6e7eaa21791Cd364625
Wrapper Premium Percentage 0
Coordinator Flat Fee 0.25 LINK
Maximum Confirmations 200
Maximum Random Values 10
Wrapper Gas overhead 40000
Coordinator Gas Overhead 90000

Goerli testnet

Item Value
LINK Token 0x326C977E6efc84E512bB9C30f76E30c160eD06FB
VRF Wrapper 0x708701a1DfF4f478de54383E49a627eD4852C816
VRF Coordinator 0x2ca8e0c643bde4c2e08ab1fa0da3401adad7734d
Wrapper Premium Percentage 0
Coordinator Flat Fee 0.25 LINK
Maximum Confirmations 200
Maximum Random Values 10
Wrapper Gas overhead 40000
Coordinator Gas Overhead 90000

BNB Chain

Item Value
LINK Token 0x404460C6A5EdE2D891e8297795264fDe62ADBB75
VRF Wrapper 0x721DFbc5Cfe53d32ab00A9bdFa605d3b8E1f3f42
VRF Coordinator 0xc587d9053cd1118f25F645F9E08BB98c9712A4EE
Wrapper Premium Percentage 0
Coordinator Flat Fee 0.005 LINK
Maximum Confirmations 200
Maximum Random Values 10
Wrapper Gas overhead 40000
Coordinator Gas Overhead 90000

BNB Chain testnet

Item Value
LINK Token 0x84b9B910527Ad5C03A9Ca831909E21e236EA7b06
VRF Wrapper 0x699d428ee890d55D56d5FC6e26290f3247A762bd
VRF Coordinator 0x6A2AAd07396B36Fe02a22b33cf443582f682c82f
Wrapper Premium Percentage 0
Coordinator Flat Fee 0.005 LINK
Maximum Confirmations 200
Maximum Random Values 10
Wrapper Gas overhead 40000
Coordinator Gas Overhead 90000

Polygon (Matic) Mainnet

Item Value
LINK Token 0xb0897686c545045aFc77CF20eC7A532E3120E0F1
VRF Wrapper 0x4e42f0adEB69203ef7AaA4B7c414e5b1331c14dc
VRF Coordinator 0xAE975071Be8F8eE67addBC1A82488F1C24858067
Wrapper Premium Percentage 0
Coordinator Flat Fee 0.0005 LINK
Maximum Confirmations 200
Maximum Random Values 10
Wrapper Gas overhead 40000
Coordinator Gas Overhead 90000

Polygon (Matic) Mumbai Testnet

Item Value
LINK Token 0x326C977E6efc84E512bB9C30f76E30c160eD06FB
VRF Wrapper 0x99aFAf084eBA697E584501b8Ed2c0B37Dd136693
VRF Coordinator 0x7a1BaC17Ccc5b313516C5E16fb24f7659aA5ebed
Wrapper Premium Percentage 0
Coordinator Flat Fee 0.0005 LINK
Maximum Confirmations 200
Maximum Random Values 10
Wrapper Gas overhead 40000
Coordinator Gas Overhead 90000

Avalanche Mainnet

Item Value
LINK Token 0x5947BB275c521040051D82396192181b413227A3
VRF Wrapper 0x721DFbc5Cfe53d32ab00A9bdFa605d3b8E1f3f42
VRF Coordinator 0xd5D517aBE5cF79B7e95eC98dB0f0277788aFF634
Wrapper Premium Percentage 0
Coordinator Flat Fee 0.005 LINK
Maximum Confirmations 200
Maximum Random Values 10
Wrapper Gas overhead 40000
Coordinator Gas Overhead 90000

Avalanche Fuji Testnet

Item Value
LINK Token 0x0b9d5D9136855f6FEc3c0993feE6E9CE8a297846
VRF Wrapper 0x9345AC54dA4D0B5Cda8CB749d8ef37e5F02BBb21
VRF Coordinator 0x2eD832Ba664535e5886b75D64C46EB9a228C2610
Wrapper Premium Percentage 0
Coordinator Flat Fee 0.005 LINK
Maximum Confirmations 200
Maximum Random Values 10
Wrapper Gas overhead 40000
Coordinator Gas Overhead 90000

Fantom Mainnet

Item Value
LINK Token 0x6F43FF82CCA38001B6699a8AC47A2d0E66939407
VRF Wrapper 0xeDA5B00fB33B13c730D004Cf5D1aDa1ac191Ddc2
VRF Coordinator 0xd5D517aBE5cF79B7e95eC98dB0f0277788aFF634
Wrapper Premium Percentage 0
Coordinator Flat Fee 0.0005 LINK
Maximum Confirmations 200
Maximum Random Values 10
Wrapper Gas overhead 40000
Coordinator Gas Overhead 90000

Fantom Testnet

Item Value
LINK Token 0xfaFedb041c0DD4fA2Dc0d87a6B0979Ee6FA7af5F
VRF Wrapper 0x38336BDaE79747a1d2c4e6C67BBF382244287ca6
VRF Coordinator 0xbd13f08b8352A3635218ab9418E340c60d6Eb418
Wrapper Premium Percentage 0
Coordinator Flat Fee 0.0005 LINK
Maximum Confirmations 200
Maximum Random Values 10
Wrapper Gas overhead 40000
Coordinator Gas Overhead 90000

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